The modern Left differs little from the old Left: It seeks to remove all joy from human life. This has been a staple feature of all dictatorships for the past 100 years. Photographs of dour faces from Communist regimes of the 1920s attest to an absence of emotional buoyancy and presence of the heaviness that comes from near universal restriction on basic freedoms. Imagine living that life today…but without coffee.

Over three million people recently viewed a one-minute video taken at the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, Switzerland, where Swiss banker Hubert Keller addressed the crowd of global elites on the need to eliminate coffee from the hands of the non-elites (meaning you) all over the world. Apparently coffee production generates too much carbon dioxide for his liking, especially coffee production from smaller growers. “They’re coming for your coffee,” he warned.

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