If you live in just about any American city today and have tried to date, you have quickly discovered that most people are undatable. Previously, in my most-read post with over 27,000 views, I explained why American women are undatable. Of course, this is a generalization. Naturalized citizens, if they haven’t yet spent much time in the US, remain excellent options. American men present their own distinct challenges as well, mainly their nearly universal devolution into pussies. Whether you’re looking for a man or a woman, though, for any chance at success before you reach the age of retirement, you must learn how to both attract and screen: Draw in those who are worthy and filter out those who are not. Here is how to do it.

First, come out as a conservative. That means no longer hiding your rational, common-sense, universally appropriate yet widely mocked and condemned views on life. The longer you remain quiet, avoiding drawing attention to yourself, the more difficult it will be for good people to find you. A store without a sign will see few customers. If you are using a dating app—generally a poor way to meet people—resist the temptation to fill your profile with information likely to generate broad appeal. The value of a dating app lies in its power to passively repel as many non-prospects as possible while simultaneously allowing you to stand out to those whose attention you truly desire. That’s simply not possible by appealing to everyone. If you are a superficially highly desirable adult (physically attractive woman or wealthy/powerful man), then you have already experienced the difficulty of locating the needle while digging through a ton of hay. It’s both inefficient and exhausting.

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